Wednesday, October 30, 2019
The Advertisement is by the Multinational Coca Cola Company Essay
The Advertisement is by the Multinational Coca Cola Company - Essay Example The advertisement initially ran in many channels in the United States of America, in Canada, where the last of the ads was shot and eventually the ad was shown in many channels throughout the world including in CNN, Fox, South Africa’s SABC, Britain’s sky television among many other national and international TV stations, and later modified to suit radio stations throughout the world. The advertisement was shot and different aspects and scenes added from the original one in 1995, to the year 2001, when the ad was stopped. This was due to the fact that Coca Cola was changing its advertisement strategy from using a single ad worldwide, approved by its Atlanta Georgia headquarters, to more localized advertisements by individual countries. Furthermore, the voice behind the ad, musician Melanie Thornton, had just passed on a few weeks before the Christmas of 2001, presenting Coca Cola with a dilemma. However, due to public demand, the advertisement was back on the air in most countries in 2007. Coca Cola announced that several customers and clients had complained of not seeing the ads on TV, yet the ad marked the beginning of the Christmas season for them, as well as having nostalgic and sentimental value to all those who loved it in its earlier years (Sandison, 2007). As said above, the advertisement by Coca Cola called ‘Holidays are Coming’ or the ‘Christmas long trucks’ holds a special place to people who saw it in the late nineties to the early years of the first decade of the 21st century. The advertisement is a very catchy one with a simple but enjoyable song to accompany it. Many people have come to associate the ad with the beginning of Christmas festivities, which sets them in the right mood for the holidays.
Monday, October 28, 2019
Psychology and Teaching Assistant Essay Example for Free
Psychology and Teaching Assistant Essay 1.1 Describe the duties and responsibilities of own work role. The teaching assistant role includes working under the guidance of the teacher, supporting teaching and learning in the school nursery through group activities. I am able to devise learning activity plans also and also spontaneous learning activities which occur through play and other immediate learning activities. The learning assistant role also includes administration, wall displays, food preparation, leading activities with smaller and larger groups, and also individual work. Listening and talking with the children and offering support in social and emotional development as well as curriculum activity development. It is necessary to promote positive behaviours and deal with any negative behaviour in a professional manner. It is also necessary to promote equal opportunities, diversity and inclusion. It is necessary to build professional relationships with the children and also with other work colleagues. Assessment on a formative or summative basis is also part of the role. The teaching assistant role also includes effective safeguarding, and health and safety of the children and also the learning environment all contributes to a happy place, that is a safe and healthy place to learn within. 1.2 Explain expectations about own work role as expressed in relevant standards. There is a list of standards for school support staff depending on the role. The National Occupational Standards for Teaching Assistants offers guidance of competent performance. Some schools ask teaching assistants to complete the National Association of Professional Teaching Assistants. There are also local and national guidelines for codes of practice. 2.1 Explain the importance of reflective practice in continuously improving the quality of service provided. Reflective practice is actually reflective learning and then putting this learning into future practice. It is essential to reflect over activities and other things that have happened and work out if they worked out well, or did not work out well. Why? And what can be improved. It is a continual thinking process to strive for improvements. It is important to self-assess and assess situations by reflecting on them and then putting ideas/plans forward to progress from that event. It is good to be able to discuss thoughts and ideas with colleagues to then identify areas of strengths and those that need further development. Reflective practice includes reflecting on own role when supporting children learning. It also includes managing children’s behaviour and planning and assessing and also feedback. Reflective practice also includes working with colleagues and other adults and professional development. 2.3 Describe how own values, belief systems and experiences may affect working practice. If the teaching assistant is a religious person, then there may be personal conflict with been expected to take part or support learners in other religions activities. If the teaching assistant has no religion, then it is likely to be easi er to support learning activities and personally be rather passive about the belief part of the religion, and just concentrate on the knowledge part of the religion. Own beliefs, and values and experiences shape the way a person is and so facing and taking part in activities about other beliefs, values and experiences can enhance learning and understanding depending on how flexible in thought and attitude the individual actually is. A person who is less flexible in thought and attitude may find that the taking part in activities of other beliefs, values and experiences can be a very challenging experience. 3.1 Evaluate own knowledge, performance and understanding against relevant standards. It is essential to reflect on learning activities that you have taken part in with the children and then compare with the national occupation of standards to see if you meet what is required. By working through and addressing areas of performance a person can begin to improve their practice. There are 69 units of the National Occupational Standards. These describe the skills and knowledge that teaching assistants need to do their job effectively. Teaching assistants and other support staff roles do not need to cover all 69, they just need to cover the ones which relate to their work environment. (see table attached regarding the relevant standards and my evaluation of own performance and understanding) 3.2 Explain how you would demonstrate use of feedback to evaluate own performance and inform development. Consider the feedback fully and then reflect on own performance to see if you can accommodate the feedback to make effective improvements to own performance to then be able to put this into further practice. Constructive feedback is best to work from and can aid professional development as well as additional training opportunities. The assessment forms from tutor observed sessions in the workplace can highlight strengths and also areas that need some improvement. 4.1 Identify sources of support for planning and reviewing own development. Sources of support can come from other work colleagues, teaching assistants and teaching staff and also tutors if on further college courses. The planning and reviewing cycle is not unlike that of the planning and assessment cycle which a teaching assistant is part of in the working environment. There are also online materials and also books which can be used to aid learning in order to develop planning and reviewing abilities. The school system for employees would be to use formal and informal support and appraisal meetings with senior management. College staff for those on college courses can also be part of this support system. Inset/training days for staff are a way of gaining support for planning as information is pooled and new ideas and methods are put into operation. Da ta may be logged in a milestones format for reflection and further development. 4.2 Explain how you would demonstrate how to work with others to review and prioritise own learning needs, professional interests and development opportunities. The school appraisal system for employees is a way of assisting staff to consider their own professional performance on a frequent basis. This process needs to be a positive and non-threatening one to be at its most effective. A line manager may do this process for a general teaching assistant, whereas the schools SENCO is likely to do this for a teaching assistant with one to one supportive roles for a child or children with SEN. 4.3 Explain how you would demonstrate how to work with others to agree own personal development plan. A personal development plan is a plan to improve professional practice. The appraisal system and other formal and also informal feedback on a person’s professional development all contribute along with own reflective assessments of actual working experience. There will be opportunity for training in the working environment and also external training events which can be added into the personal development plan. The initial in employment training is the induction course for teaching assistants and also opportunities for other training to take place. These will cover areas such as behaviour management, SEN, and also supporting numeracy and literacy, and learning intervention schemes such as extra literacy and extra numeracy support training to be able to implement these programmes effectively with children who need extra support. 5.1 Evaluate how learning activities have affected practice. Practice has been affected by learning activities with extended experience. Using the learning from these experiences it has helped to shape and develop abilities and new experiences have provided opportunity to try out and reflect upon. Observing and working with other colleagues have affected practice in offering ideas previously not thought of, to use and develop into own professional practice. All learning activities have provided opportunity for reflection and then personal development with copying and continuing good practice throughout. Just as the children learn from direct experience and from each other and build/scaffold on these experiences, teaching assistants also follow the same process. 5.2 Explain how reflective practice has led to improved ways of working. Reflective practice is the key to effective learning. Reflective learning is a powerful tool and can be gained from self-reflection and including feedback from others to reflect upon. It is personal assessment and this can be used to find out what went well and what needs working on. Work colleagues and training can also aid learning as we learn from each other. Observation of other more experienced staff such as other teaching assistants and the teachers can offer food for thought, and then the person can try out these newly observed methods observed to improve ways of working with learners across the school years. Reflection on good practice has led to personal development in this role by developing new ideas based on the good practice already experienced. 5.3 Show how to record progress in relation to personal development (see enclosed CV) It is a good idea to have an achievements file where all the qualifications and other awards and certificates are all placed into the file, in groups and date order. A detailed CV can also include the most essential qualifications as well as other personal information and employment and voluntary experienced logged in chronological order. I update my CV frequently and also adapt it per type of job role that I am applying for and update my achievements file and keep in in good order.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Francis Bacon - The Portraits :: Visual Arts Paintings Art
Francis Bacon - The Portraits Francis Bacon was born in Dublin, Ireland to English parents. When F. Bacon grow up and was more independent he then travelled to Berlin were he spent most of his time there. He then moved onto Paris, before returning to London and starting out as an interior designer. Bacon never attended art school; he only began his work in watercolours about 1926 – 27. An exhibition of works by Pablo Picasso inspired him to make his first drawings and paintings. The influence of the biomorphic figures in Picasso’s work is apparent in Bacons first major painting of his mature period ‘Three Studies for Figures’ at the base of a Crucifixion 1944. This painting is also representative of some of Bacon’s methods and subjects. The Portraits influenced me because in my project ‘Journey’s’ I am looking at car crashes and what things lead to car crashes e.g. Drink driving. I wanted to see how drink affects the brain and how the brain reacts to the effects. As Bacon in this particular painting of this, distorted image of a face, I thought this would be a great image to use in my project. Using this image would help me to see what people, who drink drive, see while they are driving. So using this distorted image it showed me how incontrollable people are when drink driving. The image provides strong movement due to the harsh sweeps of paint. In the painting I noticed how Bacon used basic elements to give a distinctive image. He has used a thick paint brush and he probably only did about 15 brush strokes. The composition of the study is life-like and has made sure that he includes every detail of the face. By having the face on an angle and the thick brush strokes it shows me that this person maybe scared or has just seen some object that is distracting him, also it looks like he moved his face with some rapid force. Each of the colours contrasts well and gives a representation of a face. The shapes used in the composition of the painting are mostly round or even sphere shape. Bacon has used a lot of texture in the paint to show the different elements, e.g. the thick white brush stroke represents the cheekbone and the dark stroke for under the chin. The process of the painting that Bacon has gone through were sketching out the outline of the face and the facial features then I imagine he took the brush and with some force started to map out the face while
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Animal research is irrelevant to our understanding of human mental health
Animal research has played a major role in answering fundamental questions in many areas of psychology. The need for animal testing to enhance human health research has been made evident by the work of Charles Darwin on the evolutionary link between animals and humans. This essay will discuss whether animal research can improve our understanding of human mental health, more specifically mood disorders, and will consider both contributes and limitations of the application of animal models to study human disorders. The evolutionary stance postulates that emotions are a universal feature developed during an evolutionary process that lasted thousands of years. Research has shown that although humans public displays of emotions may vary depending on the social and cultural context, basic emotions such as joy and fear have a biological basis which is common to the whole human species. This same biological basis is found in non-humans animals, especially in mammals, as evidenced by the work of Charles Darwin (Darwin, 2009 [1872], cited in Datta, 2010), which highlighted the similarities between humans and animals in their expressions of emotions. Animal research have greatly contributed to our understanding of the brain structures involved in perceiving emotions; on this topic, Paul MacLean (1990, cited in Datta, 2010) proposed a ‘triune brain model' suggesting that the brain had evolved in a series of three layers, adding complexity in brain functioning, including perception of emotions. The most ancient layers in evolutionary terms, the reptilian brain (that controls the body's vital function in response to a specific stimulus) and the limbic brain (whose main function is to record memories of experiences associated with specific emotions, and to influence our behaviour in response to these memories), are found respectively in reptiles and mammals, while the last layer, termed ‘neocortex' (which underlies the brain's most complex functions, such as abstract thought and language), is a unique feature of the brain of humans and of its closest relatives, apes and monkeys. Given the biological affinity between humans and animals, it is unsurprising that animal research plays a major role in investigating the biological bases of behaviour in human mood disorders. During an experiment involving mice to test the efficacy of ADMs in treating depression and anxiety, Santarelli et al. (2003, cited in Datta, 2010) found that suppressing neurogenesis made ADMs ineffective, uncovering the crucial role of this process in the development of mood disorders. Another experiment conducted by Mitra and Sapolsky (2008, cited in Datta, 2010) on rats has shed light on the correlation between stress and anxiety. Mitra e Sapolsky induced chronic stress in rats by injecting them with corticosterone to investigate the physiological and behavioural effects that this condition would produce. They discovered that the very structure of their neurons had changed, with more dendrites sprouting in the amygdala area (whose hyperactivity has been find to be a common trait in mood disorders); moreover, rats who received corticosterone showed increased anxiety during their performance in mazes. Mitra and Sapolsky concluded that a short-term stressful experience was sufficient to shape the structure of the amygdala, and to cause long-term anxiety. Datta (2010a) suggests that these effects are similar (and therefore could be relevant) to PTSD symptoms in humans. Contribution of animal research is not limited to biological aspects of mood disorders. Two experiments conducted by Meaney and coll. (2001, cited in Datta, 2010) and by Nestler and coll. (Tsankova et al. 2006, cited in Datta, 2010) have helped to clarify the extent to which genetics influences the development of mood disorders. Meaney and his team at McGill University investigated the role of early life experiences on the development of mood disorders by comparing the stress response of rats whose mothers groomed and licked them more in their first days of life, with that of rats whose mothers were less caring, discovering that nurture can be as crucial as nature in defining behaviour in adulthood. In a second experiment conducted by the same authors, the pups of the anxious, less-caring mothers were placed with the more caring, less-anxious mother, and viceversa: results showed that, regardless of their genetic propensity to anxiety and stress, maternal care played a crucial role in shaping the pups' behaviour. The work of Nestler and coll. focused yet on another epigenetic factor that affects the development of depression; researchers induced helplessness, a state similar to depression, in a group of mice, which as a consequence showed socially avoidant behaviour and lower levels of BDFN. Both effects were, however, reversible with ADMs treatment. In addition, other researchers conducted on rhesus monkeys have linked the role of social hierarchies to the development of stress, which can be relevant in understanding the pressure of modern societies on individuals (Datta, 2010b). As well as defining which factors are involved in the development of human mood disorders, animal research has greatly contributed to the development of effective pharmacological treatments (the efficacy and tolerability of ADMs on human organism are indeed assessed with experiments on animals) and behavioural therapies based on the findings of classic experiments from B. F. Skinner and other influential psychologists, which were carried out on animals. We have considered how animal research have contributed to scientific understanding of mood disorders, but these observations should be juxtaposed with a brief reflection on its limits in terms of applications of animal models to humans. First, while humans and animals share a biological affinity, it seems hazardous to many to blindly apply the findings obtained from experiments on rats, pigeons or other lab animals on human patients; humans are indeed extremely complex animals, whose behavior is influenced by many biological, psychological and social factors. A second limit concerns the difficulty in obtaining a direct account from the animal of his cognitive and emotional experience. Despite these considerations, animal research is still an essential methodological tool for modern psychological research. Much of the scientific progress in understanding mood disorders was obtained from experiments on animals that for various reasons (economic, methodological, ethical) could not have been substituted by alternative research methods such as human experimentation or computer models. Until researchers will find alternative means to investigate human brain and behaviour, it seems that, for the mentioned reasons, animal research will remain an essential part of psychological research.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Workplace Ethical Dilemma Paper
Workplace Ethical Dilemma Paper BSHS / 322 Marcia Winter Introduction We've all heard the golden rules: In today’s society it is hard to find a good paying job. When one finds a good paying job, that person needs to do whatever he or she can do to keep that job. Ethics can be a problem in a workplace if someone is asked to do something that they do not feel is right. â€Å"Ethics are about making choices that may not always feel good or seem like they benefit you but are the â€Å"right†choices to make†(Curry, 2011; para 2).In the following, I will discuss a workplace ethical dilemma that I have witnessed in my current employment. I will discuss the essential points of the dilemma and how this dilemma intersects with my personal values. Personal Ethics I have very simple personal ethics and values that I live by. â€Å"Don't hurt, don't steal, don't lie, or one of the most famous: â€Å"Do unto others as you would have done to you†(Curry, 2011; para 2) . I have others but these are the main ones I live by.My parents taught me early in life that if I want to do well in this world and have others respect me than I better remember these ethics and values. Workplace Ethical Dilemma I have been employed for the same medical facility for almost 2 years. I started at the hospital and have worked my way into the clinics. This is a major accomplishment because normally my job does not move their employees around. They like to keep everyone in the same place. When I transferred to my current position I was put in the position to â€Å"spy†on the current workers in the office.I kept the same boss and she knew that there were some issues at my new location. She wanted me to get the scoop on everyone and then report back to her. Now, I love my boss and my job, but she was asking me to do something that I was not ok with. I am not the type of person to gossip about people behind their backs. I like to do my job and go home. I do not wan t to talk about others because I have been on the receiving end and have been the person that others have talked about. It does not feel good. Points of Dilemma When I was asked to spy on my coworkers, I did not know what to say.I kept thinking that my boss was joking with me and was waiting for me to respond in the correct way. I felt like she was looking to see what I would do. I did not talk about it for a couple of days after she talked with me about it. I thought long and hard as to what I was going to do. I did not want to lose my job over this but I really did not want to tell on my coworkers. I did not even know them yet. I kept thinking that I could not work with people I did not trust. I knew that if someone was to spy on me, that I would never be able to trust them. Read also â€Å"Glengarry Glen Ross† by David MametI did not want to break that trust. When my boss approached me a second time, I knew what my answer was going to be. I told my boss that I did not feel comfortable spying on my coworkers. I was waiting for her to tell me that I did have a choice†¦. it is either your job or spy on your coworkers. She surprised me when she told me that she understood my position and respected my decision. I stood their flabbergasted because I did not know what to say. Personal Values Personally, this decision to not do what my boss told me tore at me. I have always been taught to listen to authority.My boss would be my authority. However, I was also told to treat others the same way I would like to be treated. I cannot stand it when people talk about me behind my back. I am a person who confronts problems head on. If someone has a problem with the way I do things than I would want that person to confront me and talk with me about it. I would not like them to go running to the boss and â€Å"tell†on me. I did not want my boss to be mad at me but I also do not want me coworkers mad at me. There would only be a couple of reason why I would tell on my coworkers.One would be if I witnessed one of them doing something very wrong to a patient or to another coworker. An example of this would be if one of my coworkers lied to a patient or to another coworker. This would be against my code of ethics. The other reason would be if one of my coworkers would be stealing from the company. Stealing would consist of stealing money, supplies or cheating on one’s paycheck. There are some people who are very dishonest regarding their time card. â€Å"Employee fraud is on the rise, soaring from $400 billion in lost revenue for U. S. usinesses in 1996 to over $600 billion in 2003. And while many organizations have implemented background checking as a requirement for employment, the majority of employees who steal œ68. 6 percent, according to Association of Certified Fraud Examiners –have no prior criminal record (Wolf; Para 4). Conclusion In conclusion, having good work ethics and values are extremely important. People look at those qualities just as much as they would look at qualifications. Employers want employees who are going to not only show up for work but also does quality work as well.The personal workplace dilemma that I shared is not the only personal workplace dilemma I have had. I am sure in my future I will have more. If I continue to live by my personal ethics and values than I should have no problems with my future dilemmas. References Curry, Myron; 2011; Ethics on the Workplace; retrieved October 23, 2011 from http://EzineArticles. com/12475 Wolf, Ira; 2004; Cheating, Lies and Other Workplace Ethics; retrieved October 23 2011 from http://www. super-solutions. com/EmployeeFraudandWorkplaceEthics. asp#ixzz1bqShnBN4
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Ethical Behavior Essays - Rodham Family, Lewinsky Scandal
Ethical Behavior Essays - Rodham Family, Lewinsky Scandal Ethical Behavior Is it fair to measure a politicians public worth by his/her sexual behavior? This a question which has been brought before me and requires an answer, or a position on which I stand, fair or unfair? Well, I think it is fair. After a two-year scandal involving President Bill Clinton and his sexual escapades with different women besides his wife, I cant help but see a direct comparison in this question. Using President Clinton works as an excellent example as to why I take the position I do. For obvious reasons a politicians public worth should not only be measured by his/her sexual behavior, but this should be an important consideration. Every time a new president is elected they are sworn in, they raise their right hand and swear to approximately 272 million people to uphold certain duties as president. Each time a president neglects to uphold one of these duties or if he/she is found to be committing a crime, a process is followed to decide whether or not the president should be impeached. If the act is found to be minor or not an impeachable offense, business continues as usual, but the dignity or public worth of this individual has to be questioned by the public, because as the employers of these poli ticians it is our duty. Now even though it might not seem relevant to use the president, or any politician being sworn in as a valid example, in comparison to marriage vows, I think it is valuable. Along with marriage comes a word called fidelity, this is usually touched upon at the ceremony or even before, this means to be faithful and loyal. When a person such as President Bill Clinton, or any politician professes his/her love and fidelity to his/her life partner, which is only one person, then without any regret, completely disregards those promises. How can a politician like this make a promise or swear to uphold certain duties to approximately 272 million strangers and be trusted? In my opinion that is the exact definition of public worth. Whatever goes on between consenting adults in private is nobodys business but their own, and that holds for sex as for anything else. Why should anybody even care whether Mary has fifteen lovers or none, whether Jack prefers sex with Bill to sex with Jane, or whether married couples like to swing with other married couples. Just because you personally disapprove of such things doesnt make them wrong. We all have the right to live our lives as we see fit as long as we dont interfere with the rights of others to live their lives as they see fit. Promiscuous people, homosexuals, and swingers dont tell you how to live your life. Dont tell them how to live theirs.(Olen & Barry pg.82) In essence I completely agree with this statement, but for a politician whose personal life is completely in the eye of the public especially when there is a scandal involving his/her sexual endeavors, this becomes a measurement of their public worth. These politicians are well aware of how their lives will be affected in the world of politics and this is something they must keep in mind when entering a situation that might compromise their worth to the public which elected them. I feel strong on my position and think if the economy wasnt doing as well as it is the Bill Clinton scandal would have been worse for him. Im not a political buff or analyst by any means but before the Bill Clinton sex scandal my opinion of his public worth and his principals were much greater than after the scandal. That might not be completely fair but it is my opinion.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Analysis of the Reasoning of the Declaration of Independence essays
Analysis of the Reasoning of the Declaration of Independence essays Jefferson gives evidence of Englands disregard of our rights and the destruction of our government. Throughout the Declaration Jefferson states clear and reasoned facts as to why we should have our independence from England. One of Jeffersons main arguments was that all men are created equal. By this he meant that every pe3rson, either rich or poor, had the same God given rights as any other person. He has refused to pass other laws for the accommodation of large districts of people, unless those people would relinquish the right of representation in the legislature, a right inestimable to them, and formidable to tyrants only. Basically, this means that the King refused to pass laws for the people unless they gave up their right of representation. In summation to the argument that all men are created equal Jefferson also said that we should be able to form our own government. It also says that if this government abuses its power, the people have the right to abolish it. We had established a judiciary system but it was weak because the King would tell the judges how to pass sentence, if they disobeyed him, he would decrease their salaries. The Declaration clearly shows this when it says, He has made our judges dependent on his will alone...the amount and payment of their salaries. He would also obstruct the passing of laws. He has suffered the administration of justice totally to cease in some of these states refusing his assent to laws for establishing judiciary powers. Moreover, one of Jeffersons biggest arguments was that of liberty. While America was under the rule of England we had no liberty. There were guards and soldiers stationed in houses and offices in all the colonies. He has erected a multitude of new offices, by a self-assumed power and sent hither swarms of new officers to harass our people and eat out the...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Atomic Bomb Cake Recipe
Atomic Bomb Cake Recipe Heres an easy cake decorating idea for a mad scientist party or just for fun. Bake an atomic cake! Heres what you do: Atomic Cake Materials 2 boxes of cake mix (red velvet looks fiery or you could dye white cake with food coloring)3 containers of frosting (or make your own)props and decorations (e.g., fire-colored sprinkles, fake trees)2 unopened 15-oz cans that will stack2 round cake pans1 round glass or metal mixing bowl (same diameter or smaller than cake pans) Prepare the Atomic Cake Use one of the cake mixes to make a usual round double-layer cake. Prepare the other cake mix and bake it in the bowl.After the cakes have cooled, use a knife to cut circles in the round cakes so that you can set a can in the center of the cake. Eat or discard the pieces of cake.Set a can in the first cake layer. Frost the top of this layer.Set the other layer on top of the first layer. The can will be in the center of this cake as well. Finish frosting the cake.Invert the bowl cake onto a plate that is the same size as the cake. Frost this cake.Assemble the atomic cake by setting the second can on top of the first. Frost the cans. Place the bowl cake on the cans. Add any finishing touches. famous cake Mad Scientist Cakes | Atomic Test Photo Gallery
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Anorexia nervosa Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Anorexia nervosa - Case Study Example Thus, the patient does not see herself as a person without an eating disorder would see herself; she needs to control her thoughts and emotions (ANAD, 2009). Cognitive-behavioral therapy is the typical treatment for both types of anorexia. SSRIs may be indicated if the anorexia co-occurs with another psychiatric disorder (APA, 2009). Sometimes it is a singular event in the child’s life which leads to eating disorders; sometimes it is a pattern of repeated behavior. The physician may not be equipped to assess the extent of the patient’s emotional states regarding her relationship to food, but a few well-placed questions can reveal much. The fact that Sara was diagnosed by a previous medical professional as having an eating disorder will probably lead to a repeat diagnosis; this may or may not be true. The child will not recover from her disorder without psychiatric intervention including cognitive behavior therapy, in which her behaviors and emotional states are modified and she is retrained to think and act in healthy ways. A complete review of systems should be performed. Growth patterns, weight, weight loss or gain (especially when there is no evidence of weight gain), general health, and so on should be explored, along with asking about usual activities such as eating and exercise. An examination of the skin could reveal excess hair; dry, yellow or blotchy skin; cracked fingernails; and other signs of malnutrition. An overview of eyes, ears, nose, mouth and throat may reveal complaints of headaches or dizziness, nose bleeds, dental difficulties (especially in the case of a binge-purge anorexic), or stiffness or tenderness in the thyroid area. A muscular examination could reveal atrophy; if the patient exercises excessively, body fat levels will be extremely low. A cardiovascular exam including listening to the heart and taking blood pressure
Friday, October 18, 2019
Innovation, Creativity and Enterprise in Markets Essay - 4
Innovation, Creativity and Enterprise in Markets - Essay Example The innovations that have been taking place in the company since its embarking upon a long-term journey have been illuminated during the due course of the report. The main reasons because of which Unilever opted to buy Ben & Jerry’s have also been discussed. Apart from that, the entrepreneurial aspect of this company has been explained and how entrepreneurship has played a practical role in the success of their business has been elucidated. All these elements have combined together to translate into profitable growth of their company along with its brand and have led it to its present state. The purpose of this report is to conduct a research on an organization and discuss in detail, how its presence does creates opportunities and prospects for its stakeholders in light of the theory of the same. Apart from that, the method by which the company innovates its processes and products in order to meet the ever changing needs of the consumers is also conversed. Furthermore, this report also concerns how the selected organization incorporates entrepreneurial principles in order to exploit the available opportunities in the market and undertake some level of risk-taking in order to derive the most benefits from the untapped market segments (Drucker, 1986). For this research, Ben & Jerry’s has been selected as it has been coming up with innovations in its flavors ever since it has come into being in 1978. The Ben & Jerry’s is an ice-cream, frozen yogurt and sorbet manufacturing company which was set up in 1978 as an ice-cream parlor on a renovated gas station in Vermont USA, by two entrepreneurs namely Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield with an investment of $12,000. The ice cream parlor soon gained popularity around the neighborhood and the pair began to pack their product and started to supply it to Mom and Pop stores and convenience stores in their Volkswagen Campervan. They eventually grew
Cultural differencies and people management Essay
Cultural differencies and people management - Essay Example Understanding the culture of host country and consideration of cultural differences is important for companies in the international arena. The importance of cultural importance has been widely studies and research on it indicates that possessing a sound knowledge of the culture of markets in which businesses operate is of paramount significance. The Importance of cultural differences At the international level, have a good understanding of the cultural differences between the global market and the national level is critical in building long-term relationships and achieving business success. For example, in majority of Asian cultures, operating business is not limited to the confines of working hours, but rather can be extended to blend into social situations such as meals where opportunities are exploited to build bonds, making understanding and appreciation of the local culture an essential factor (Morrison, 2006). Cultural differences also play a significant role in determining the type of entry mode to be adopted by a company that is thinking of venturing into international markets. An example given by Morrison (2006) that can be cited as an area where the importance is clearly defined is in joint ventures where cooperation and trust is key to maintaining long-term business success. It is important for firms that going into joint ventures in the international market to critically analyze the culture of host country and come up with ways of blending the culture of different locations into a distinctive corporate culture in order to augment the sense of corporate identity. However, international managers need to appreciate that this comes with considerable challenges especially when strong national cultures clash in the case of global mergers (Morrison, 2006). In order for strategic alliances between firms in a different cultural setting to remain successful, it is important to maintain consistent corporation that ensures risks associated with opportunistic be haviours are minimized. Therefore, there is need to develop a higher level of trust between joint ventures, and cultural difference can be effectively used a measure of the different levels of trust between among countries. For example, it has been argued that masculinity can negatively impact joint venture projects, and individualism seems to have negative effects on the voluntary joint management of a firm, depending on the national cultural setting that a company operates under (Lee et al., 2011). In addition, the cultural difference of countries can be an important factor in determining the type of wholly owned subsidiary investment to be considered by international organizations. For example, a greater level of difference in culture necessitates that firms have stronger business controls, and firms operating in such markets are more likely to prefer wholly owned subsidiary as a way of entering into international markets. Therefore, the cultural difference increases the benefits of a company by acquiring n existing firm in the new foreign market since the organization entering the market has the opportunity of learning the different norms and routines unique to the host country from the acquired subsidiary. This plays a significant role in maintaining the success of the company as it ensures that firms make sound
Thursday, October 17, 2019
IFRS(or IAS) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
IFRS(or IAS) - Essay Example Following a series of recent discussion after the collapse of some large companies such as the Enron a recent discussions of the United States (US) financial reporting include implicit or explicit recommendations that the U.S. abandon the current allegedly "rules-based" system in favor of a "principles-based" system, with the implication that some or all of the current difficulties facing U.S. financial reporting would be alleviated or even eliminated by such a shift (Chand 2005). In addition, Section 108 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 instructs the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to conduct a study on the adoption of a principles-based accounting system (Chand 2005). International accounting standards (IAS 36) requires companies to test assets for impairment. Basically, the standard requires that tangible assets should be tested for impairment when there is an indication that an asset might be impaired. (Epstein and Jermacowicz, 2007). IAS 36 Impairment of Assets was issued in March 2004. It is applied to goodwill and intangible assets acquired in business combinations after 31 March 2004, and to all other assets for annual periods beginning on or after 31 March 2004. IAS 36 prescribes the procedures that an entity applies to ensure that its assets are carried at no more than their recoverable amount. According to Epstein and Jermacowicz, (2007), IAS 36 applies in accounting for impairment of all assets other than : - Inventories (IAS 2 Inventories); - Assets arising from construction contracts (IAS 11 Construction Contracts); - Deferred tax assets (IAS 12 Income Taxes); - Assets arising from employee benefits (IAS 19 Employee Benefits); - Financial assets within the scope of IAS 39 Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement; - Investment property measured at fair value (IAS 40 Investment Property); - Biological assets related to agricultural activity that are measured at fair value less estimated point-of-sale costs (IAS 41 Agriculture); - Deferred acquisition costs and intangible assets, arising from insurance contracts within the scope of IFRS 4 Insurance Contracts; and - Non-current assets (or disposal groups) classified as held for sale in accordance Epstein and Jermacowicz, (2007) further states that, the recoverable amount of an asset is measured whenever there is an indication that the asset may be impaired. At each reporting date, an entity assesses whether there is any indication that an asset may be impaired. However, intangible assets having an indefinite useful life must be tested annually for impairment. The impairment test is required to be applied to a cash generating unit, that is, the smallest group of assets for which the entity has identifiable cash flows. Here the impairment test carried out according to Cairns (2005), If the recoverable amount of an asset is less than the asset's carrying amount the asset is impaired the asset's carrying amount should be reduced to recoverable amount debit expense, credit assetIn other words, the carrying amount of an asset or group of assets in the cash generating unit is compared with the fair value or value in use ( calculated as the present value of the cash flows expected to be generated from using the asset). The higher of value in use and fair value is taken and compared with the carrying amount and an impairment loss is recognized if the carrying amou
Canadian Real Estate Vertical Go to Market Plans and Strategy Term Paper - 1
Canadian Real Estate Vertical Go to Market Plans and Strategy - Term Paper Example The paper utilizes suitable illustrations to support the relevant details. The paper terminates in suitable conclusion that emanates from prior discussions of the paper and illustration provided. CREV endeavours to succeed in the Canadian real estate market. However, realization of the above requires the firm to enact an ambitious advertisement plan that will expand the firm’s clientele base. Such an undertaking will require an appositely coined strategy. The strategy should adequately appraise the nature of the market. This write-up will seek to institute an opposite promotional approach that will culminate in the success of the above real estate entity. Evidently, the above strategy will be critical since the real estate sector has encountered key upheaval due to the economic crisis. The market base is dwindling. Consequently, CREV requires to repositioning itself ensuring it maintains and boosts its clientele base. This strategy will enlist certain data and relevant illustration to support it assertions. The assertion will relate to strategy that the entity should adopt. This strategy has identified communication as an integral element in this industry. Therefore, advertising has sizeable implications on the fortune of real estate firms (Vertical news). Rogers is promotional firm enlisted to undertake the above task. The marketing strategy aims at enacting appropriate measures that will ensure that it has sizeable share of the market. This plan will enlist of information from credible informer that have undertaken through research. Evidently, the Canadian real estate sector is overly competitive (Canadian real estate association). Consequently, marketing will serve as an integral tool of boosting the clientele base. However, the realization of the benefits of marketing will demand utilization of shrewd advertising campaign. Therefore, CREV will require enlisting
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
IFRS(or IAS) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
IFRS(or IAS) - Essay Example Following a series of recent discussion after the collapse of some large companies such as the Enron a recent discussions of the United States (US) financial reporting include implicit or explicit recommendations that the U.S. abandon the current allegedly "rules-based" system in favor of a "principles-based" system, with the implication that some or all of the current difficulties facing U.S. financial reporting would be alleviated or even eliminated by such a shift (Chand 2005). In addition, Section 108 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 instructs the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to conduct a study on the adoption of a principles-based accounting system (Chand 2005). International accounting standards (IAS 36) requires companies to test assets for impairment. Basically, the standard requires that tangible assets should be tested for impairment when there is an indication that an asset might be impaired. (Epstein and Jermacowicz, 2007). IAS 36 Impairment of Assets was issued in March 2004. It is applied to goodwill and intangible assets acquired in business combinations after 31 March 2004, and to all other assets for annual periods beginning on or after 31 March 2004. IAS 36 prescribes the procedures that an entity applies to ensure that its assets are carried at no more than their recoverable amount. According to Epstein and Jermacowicz, (2007), IAS 36 applies in accounting for impairment of all assets other than : - Inventories (IAS 2 Inventories); - Assets arising from construction contracts (IAS 11 Construction Contracts); - Deferred tax assets (IAS 12 Income Taxes); - Assets arising from employee benefits (IAS 19 Employee Benefits); - Financial assets within the scope of IAS 39 Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement; - Investment property measured at fair value (IAS 40 Investment Property); - Biological assets related to agricultural activity that are measured at fair value less estimated point-of-sale costs (IAS 41 Agriculture); - Deferred acquisition costs and intangible assets, arising from insurance contracts within the scope of IFRS 4 Insurance Contracts; and - Non-current assets (or disposal groups) classified as held for sale in accordance Epstein and Jermacowicz, (2007) further states that, the recoverable amount of an asset is measured whenever there is an indication that the asset may be impaired. At each reporting date, an entity assesses whether there is any indication that an asset may be impaired. However, intangible assets having an indefinite useful life must be tested annually for impairment. The impairment test is required to be applied to a cash generating unit, that is, the smallest group of assets for which the entity has identifiable cash flows. Here the impairment test carried out according to Cairns (2005), If the recoverable amount of an asset is less than the asset's carrying amount the asset is impaired the asset's carrying amount should be reduced to recoverable amount debit expense, credit assetIn other words, the carrying amount of an asset or group of assets in the cash generating unit is compared with the fair value or value in use ( calculated as the present value of the cash flows expected to be generated from using the asset). The higher of value in use and fair value is taken and compared with the carrying amount and an impairment loss is recognized if the carrying amou
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Human Biological Systems, Gas Exchange & Transport Assignment
Human Biological Systems, Gas Exchange & Transport - Assignment Example Overall, this CNS control determines the depth and frequency of the respiration. (Schwartzstein & Parker, 2006, p.3) 2. Ventilatory Pump a) Muscles of respiration: there are two sets of muscles that are classified either muscles of inspiration or muscles of expiration. Diaphragm and external intercostal muscles are muscles of inspiration whereas internal intercostal muscle is the muscle of expiration. There are some accessory muscles that assist in forceful inspiration or expiration such as sternocleidomastoid, scalenus, pectoralis and abdominal muscles. b) Chest wall skeleton: rib cage provides the major skeleton support for lungs. c) Chest wall connective tissue: d) Airways: nares (nose), larynx, trachea, bronchus and bronchioles. e) Pleura: visceral pleura and parietal pleura. f) Spinal cord and peripheral nerves: C3, C4 and C5 spinal segments provide innervations to diaphragm via phrenic nerve. All the intercostal muscles get segmental innervations through intercostal nerves that run in the intercostal groove along with artery and vein. Most of the structures of Ventilatory pump, such as muscles and skeleton, ensure appropriate movement of the chest wall and adequate change in the intrathoracic pressure during inspiration and expiration. All the components of airway provide an uninterrupted passage of air to and from the alveoli. The passage is also lined with special epithelium that produces mucus and is studded with cilia (Hlastala & Berger, 1996, p.23). Mucus moist or warm the air whereas cilia traps any foreign particles and clear excess mucus. Parietal pleura line the chest wall and visceral pleura cover the outer surface of the lung. In between these two layers is a pleural space that contains a small amount of fluid. This pleural space plays a critical role in changing the intrathoracic pressure. Spinal cord and peripheral nerves provide a communication between controller and muscles of respiration. (Schwartzstein & Parker, 2006, p.15-23) 3. Gas Exch anger a) Alveoli: the terminal bronchioles are studded with hollow grape like structures called alveoli. b) Pulmonary capillaries: these capillaries originate from the branches of pulmonary artery and aggregate to form pulmonary vein. Terminal bronchioles and alveoli are the sites of gas exchange (no gas exchange take place in the rest of the airway and is referred to as dead space). These alveoli provide abundant surface area for adequate diffusion of gases. Understandably, alveoli are surrounded by thousand of blood capillaries to ensure effective transfer of oxygen and carbon dioxide. TAQ 2: 1. Using annotated diagrams explain the processes involved in breathing in and out. Fig 2.1: shows the process of breathing and the structures involved. Breathing In: The process of breathing in is called inspiration. There are two important muscles, diaphragm and external intercostal muscles, that take part in this process. When a person breathes in, diaphragm contracts and chest expands inc reasing volume of the thoracic cavity and creating a negative intrathoracic pressure (fig 2.1). Therefore, air flows from a relatively positive atmospheric pressure towards the negative intrathoracic pressure and fill both lungs. Breathing Out: The process of breathing out is called expiration. Unlike inspiration, expiration at rest is a passive process and do not require muscle support. In fact, the elastic recoil
Monday, October 14, 2019
A Day at the Circus Maximus Essay Example for Free
A Day at the Circus Maximus Essay The Ancient Romans knew how to make their politicians work for them, and often demanded bread and circuses from political candidates. This lead to the races being free which meant anyone could go. Gangs were seen rioting through the streets in celebration of their favourite charioteers victory. Fights broke out between the fans of victors and losers. Just like modern day sports fans. Many friends would meet up and have a good time at the races supporting their team. Latin for greatest circus, the Circus Maximus was the first and largest circus in ancient Rome, and it could seat about a quarter of the entire population of the city. Most Romans did not have weekends off, working seven days a week but if there was chariot racing they would take the day off since everyone would be at the races and no one would buy anything. Men and women were allowed in the audience, making it a popular family entertainment which allowed a larger variety of people to watch and meant that more people would watch. This was not down to it being violent but to the fact that it was free and anyone could watch. Since men and women were allowed to sit together this offered a great opportunity for a man to chat up a woman he finds attractive. This could be another reason why chariot races were so popular. The Circus Maximus was around 2000 ft long and 625 ft wide. That is about the size of five modern football fields laid end to end. This meant it was a great spectacle since it was so large and made it very exciting. At its largest, the stadium had three tiers of seating and an estimated capacity of up to 270,000 spectators which allowed for a great atmosphere at the races and made it more popular without any violence which makes me think that violence was not the only reason to watch the races. The chariots started from twelve gates, six on either side of an entrance. Above sat the presiding official whose white flag signalled the races to begin. At either end of the racetrack were the turning posts, around which charioteers raced their steeds at break-neck speeds. This did mean that it was very dangerous. There were thirteen turns, for seven laps, a distance of five miles. This made the races very exciting since the chariots were going at incredible speeds. The races were only fifteen minutes long so there was high octane action in a short amount of time which made the races very exciting. There were also around 24 races a day which meant there was a lot happening in a day and many people would stay for the day. The charioteers were split into four teams, the whites, the reds, the greens and the blues. This made the races more fun because you went to support your team rather than just watch the races. This also led to betting and many people would come just to bet on the different teams. To conclude there are a lot of reasons for coming to the races and the danger of the races isn’t one of the main reasons for watching the races.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Understanding Mobile Technology Development
Understanding Mobile Technology Development The world becomes increasingly interconnected technologically. The use of mobile data has grown surprisingly with the rising use of the smart phones. Therefore, mobile app plays an important role for the todays business. There are three different approaches for developing mobile apps: Native Apps: The Android and iOS are the two widely used app platforms. The Native apps are developed for a specific platform. So the native apps which are developed for Android devices will not work on iOS devices and vice versa. The native apps are built using native programming languages like Objective C, Java, etc. Each mobile platform offers their proprietary development tools for developing the native apps. (Swift, 2015) The native apps can use the recourses of the devices effectively like camera, sound system, graphics, etc. Due to make the native apps for specific device, it works fast and reliable to the users. The native apps offer best user experience. The main disadvantage of the native apps is that they will not work on all kinds of devices. So the organization needs to develop different versions of native apps for multiple platforms. Thats why it is costly to build and maintain. Web Apps: The web apps are the mobile version of websites. They are the mobile optimized apps that load within a mobile internet browser like Mozilla, chrome, etc. The users dont need to install the web apps to their mobile devices. So the web apps dont require any space in the devices. Several programming languages like CSS, HTML5, CSS, etc are used to develop the web apps. A web app is easy to develop and can be very simple. A constant internet connection is required to access the web apps. It may work slow and difficult to engage with users. The financial times has a good mobile web app. (Iversen and Eierman, 2013) Hybrid Apps: The Hybrid apps are the combination of native and web apps. It is written by HTML, CSS and JavaScript and then warp by PhoneGap or Cordova. The performance of Hybrid app may be reduced due to add an extra layer between the native code and targeted platform. This app is comparatively cheaper than native app and easy to build. It is faster than web app and easy to maintain. Only the native portion of the hybrid apps needs to be rewritten to work it on multiple platforms. So an organization doesnt need to manage a hybrid app in different platforms. So developing hybrid app is economical solution. (Swift, 2015) The Cheswick Green House (CGH) wants to launch their own mobile app due expand their business and more engagement to their customer. A hybrid app is suitable for this type of business because the Cheswick Green House needs a wide acceptability mobile app for growing their business. From the above discussion, we have seen that the hybrid apps have the capability of running on different types of mobile devices. Moreover, this app has more user engagement capability. It is also easy to develop and economical. So I think a hybrid app is suitable for the Cheswick Green House. (McCallister, 2014) The main challenge for the mobile app development is to make it widely acceptable so that it can reach to the optimal number of users. The performance of the app may be reduced while developers try to make the app widely acceptable. So its a big challenge for the developer to keep the apps simple, clear and responsive. Since most apps run on mobile devices, it is necessary to develop an app with minimum power consumption and resource utilization. Network security is an important part of the todays network. So it is also a key challenge to make the app secure and reliable to the users. (McCallister, 2014) Basically, the mobile app development is a program that runs on the mobile devices like tablet, Smartphone, etc; whereas, the desktop or laptop application is a creation of computer programs that runs on a desktop or laptop devices. Most of the apps for standard computer are developed by HTML, PHP, CSS and JavaScript. On the other hand, the mobile app development depends on a lot of factors. Different programming languages are used to develop different versions of mobile apps. For example, Java is used to build Android apps and swift is used for iOS apps. (McCallister, 2014) In this assignment, we have described three different approaches for developing mobile apps, identified their advantages and disadvantages, selected a suitable approach for the Cheswick Green House and finally justified my decision based on the business operation of the company. We have identified some key challenges for the mobile app development also and made a comparison between mobile and desktop apps. References Iversen, J. and Eierman, M. (2013) Learning mobile app development: A hands-on guide to building apps with iOS and Android. Harlow: Addison-Wesley Educational Publishers. McCallister, J. (2014) Mobile Apps made simple: The ultimate guide to quickly creating, designing and utilizing mobile Apps for your business 2nd edition. United States: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform. Swift, O. (2015) Android: App development programming guide: Learn in a day! United States: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Herbrandss Theorem :: essays research papers
Herbrand’s Theorem Automated theorem proving has two goals: (1) to prove theorems and (2) to do it automatically. Fully automated theorem provers for first-order logic have been developed, starting in the 1960’s, but as theorems get more complicated, the time that theorem provers spend tends to grow exponentially. As a result, no really interesting theorems of mathematics can be proved this way- the human life span is not long enough. Therefore a major problem is to prove interesting theorems and the solution is to give the theorem provers heuristics, rules of thumb for knowledge and wisdom. Some heuristics are fairly general, for example, in a proof that is about t break into several cases do as much as possible that will be of broad applicability before the division into cases occurs. But many heuristics are area-specific; for instance, heuristics appropriate for plane geometry will probably not be appropriate for group theory. The development of good heuristics is a major area of research and requires much experience and insight. Brief History In 1930 Kurt Godel and Jaques Herbrand proved the first version of what is now the completeness of predicate calculus. Godel and Herbrand both demonstrated that the proof machinery of the predicate calculus can provide a formal proof for every logically true proposition, while also giving a constructive method for finding the proof, given the proposition. In 1936 Alonzo Church and Alain Turing independently discovered a fundamental negative property of the predicate calculus. â€Å"Until then, there had been an intense search for a positive solution to what was called the decision problem – which was to create an algorithm for the predicate calculus which would correctly determine, for any formal sentence B and any set A of formal sentences, whether or not B is a logical consequence of A. Church and Turing found that despite the existence of the proof procedure, which correctly recognizes (by constructing the proof of B from A) all cases where B is in fact a logical consequence of A, there is not and cannot be an algorithm which can similarly correctly recognize all cases in which B is not a logical consequence of A. "It means that it is pointless to try to program a computer to answer 'yes' or 'no' correctly to every question of the form 'is this a logically true sentence ?'" Church and Turing proved that it was impossible to find a general decision to verify the inconsistency of a formula.
Friday, October 11, 2019
All Is Well in the Land of the King
All is Well in Land of â€Å"The Lion King†In the article, All’s Not Well in Land of â€Å"The Lion King,†by Margaret Lazarus, the author over exaggerates an animated classic, investigating as to whether or not the movie is politically correct and morally right. The essay examines and stereotypes the movie, and comes to various misguided conclusions. Lazarus defines the hyenas and the lion, Scar symbolic, and declares that Disney already has gays and blacks ruining the â€Å"natural order. She also draws to the conclusion that Disney manipulates small children’s minds; encouraging them to believe that â€Å"Only those born into privilege can bring about change†(pg. 440) Lazarus is constantly searching for the underlying meaning throughout the movie, and fails to enjoy it. After a complete analysis of the movie she fails to understand the central idea of the movie. She then proceeds to mock the concept of a young heir to the crown to fighting and standing up for what is rightfully and morally his. She maintains that the movie â€Å"The Lion King†is a metaphor for our society, suggesting that the nation only supports the concept that only the strong do survive in the world. So often a carefree animated tale is scrutinized and psychoanalyzed, and the pureness and innocence are stripped away from it. I fully disagree with Lazarus. â€Å"The Lion King,†was a wonderful, original animation that, broke the Disney stereotyped classics, of a hero that saves a beautiful girl in distress. â€Å"The Lion King,†features a story of doing the right thing, learning to fight for what is right, to stand up for yourself and what you believe in. The Lion King,†is an animation, to over analyze in such a fashion as Margaret Lazarus does, is ridiculous and a shame. Lazarus is seeking too much meaning out of this simple tale. The cartoons main purpose is to entertain, not to set all the things wrong in the world right. It is impossible and absurd to suggest that young c hildren’s minds are being corrupted by Disney movies. â€Å"The Lion King†is a cartoon. Children cannot understand the underlying meanings of gays and blacks, they just want to laugh and enjoy themselves.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Mukcrakers 5.02
1. Define the term â€Å"Muckraker. †Be sure to include the name of the person who created it -Muckrakers were American journalists and novelists of the 20th century who exposed corruption in government and businesses. The term was created by Theodore Roosevelt. 2. Naturalism was a literary movement of the late 19th century that was an extension of Realism. What was the main focus of the Naturalistic writer? -The main focus of the Naturalistic writer was the fringes society, the criminal, the fallen, and the down-and-out 3.American Realists believed that humanity's freedom of choice was limited by the power of outside forces. How would this view differ from the perspective of the Romantic writer (think of someone like Emerson)? -Romantic writers believed that all people were encouraged torward self-development, and that everyone is valued as individuals from birth. They also believed in expressing themselves in ways that they chose, like art, and all kinds of expression. 4. I n your opinion, based on what you have read, why would post Civil War, newly industrialized America be attracted to the Realistic movement? It was an age of reform. There was so sugar coating things. The south was destroyed, newly frees blacks were in poverty, and the economy was bad. Change was happening but everything wasn’t lollipops and daises. 5. What is meant by the term â€Å"local color†? -Local color is also called regional literature. It is fictional literature about a certain region, which means the characters; the way they talk and live would all be they way things are in that specific region.
Huck Finn Comparison Essay
Justin Esteves 1/18/12 Puddn’head Wilson and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Comparison Essay There are several differences that are evident between Puddn’head Wilson and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. One of the major differences between the two books is the characters that are involved in the stories. They have different personalities and react differently to different situations.The twins in Puddn’head Wilson are young men from noble descent from Italy who left their country. They are smooth talking, but really don’t lie about a situation. However the Duke and King in Huckleberry Finn aim to trick people in different towns by selling the people tickets to a show that never existed. In one instance a man dies and they pretend to be related to him so they can get his inheritance. The ages of the main characters are different as Huck is a boy while the characters in the other story are adults.In Puddn’head Wilson it is said not to have a spe cific plot line, but in Huck Finn the story follows the classic plot line scheme. There are many similarities between the two stories. One of them is that the settings are very much the same as they both take place on the Mississippi River. Actually when I was reading Huck Finn, I couldn’t get the picture of the setting of Puddn’head out of my head. Another similarity is that the twins and the King and Duke are similar characters since they are together in pairs all the time in the book.The final similarity is the involvement of death in both books. The whole story of Puddn’head is based around a murder. In Huck Finn, Huck makes it look like he was killed to escape from Pap and the town. After Mr. Wilks’ death, the Duke and the King go after the money in his will. Another death in Huck Finn was Pap who was found dead in a house during a flood. Overall The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a lot better than Puddn’head Wilson.After reading several re views more readers liked Huck Finn and some people really disliked Puddn’head Wilson. Both books were about life on the Mississippi River from a long time ago. It was interesting to see how people lived in that period of time. Even though the stories took place many years ago, there are many similarities between the people from then to now as to how they treat each other. People were the same then as they are now and have the same outlook on life. The books and life follow Mark Twain’s quote, â€Å"The damned human race. â€
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Interview a manager Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Interview a manager - Essay Example The procedural dimension of ethical leadership includes problem-solving and decision-making practice within the circle of ethics. For instance, ethical leadership demands that the leaders, before practicing their decisions, discuss them with parties that are going to be affected by their decisions, so as to make them feel respected. The substantive aspect of ethical leadership includes knowledge, tough standards and guts to pursue ethical directions regardless of opposition. When I asked him if he had faced any ethical conflict in his career, he told me something. Last year, when his company announced vacancies, he was appointed to interview the candidates for selection. Mr. Harrison was obese. He selected him on the seat of disabled persons. Title I of Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 states that all employers, who have at least fifteen employees working under them, must give equal chances of employment to qualified disabled persons (U.S. Department of Justice 2005). When he discussed the matter with the managing director, he said that an obese person was in no way a disabled person. He stated Carrier (2000) who affirmed that â€Å"although courts initially were reluctant to recognize obesity as a qualifying disability for purposes of ADA protection, courts are increasingly willing to consider obesity as a disability giving plaintiffs status to raise ADA claims.†Finally, Harrison was selected. To my question about employee development, he answered that he totally believed in the concept. According to him, flourishing employee development programs and strategies guarantee improved employees’ performance, which leads to higher productivity and overall organizational success in the competitive market. Employee development leads to employee motivation and job satisfaction. A growth-oriented workplace culture works on improving small occurrences so that
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Movie analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Movie analysis - Essay Example According to Bass, transformational leaders are charismatic and understanding; they have good emotional intelligence and act beyond their interest to achieve better results for their team. These people are highly appreciated by their team and employers. The case of couch Carter perfectly meets all these requirements. First of all, Carter is a charismatic leader who can attract and retain people’s attention due to his specific approach. In his suit and tie he looks out of place at Richmond. He always speaks politely and asks all people to behave the same way. He establishes the rules of the game and other people have to follow them because he does not approve of any other approach. Every failure results in 100 shuttle runs and 250 pushups (Carter). Carter stimulates his followers intellectually, asking teachers to provide him weekly reports about athletes’ academic progress. When he finds out that 6 of them lag behind, he decides to terminate trainings and games for the sake of school performance. He motivates the boys to study recalling the statistics that 30% of African American males in Richmond are arrested (Carter). Even though almost nobody from local community supports Carter in his decisions, he makes all his basketball team respect him as a leader. He is a role model for his team members. He motivates them by own behavior to become better and think about their future. He is quite personal with his team; he always seeks for life examples to support his ideas. For instance, he uses his cousins’ names to title different basketball maneuvers. Carter treats everybody in his team equally, but he finds an individual approach to each athlete. He punishes his son the same way as other team members. He pays attention to emotional well-being of the team; he is specifically interested in Cruz, who is the most aggressive and unstable athlete. Carter remains strict with Cruz, but every time he gives him a
Monday, October 7, 2019
Legal feminist theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Legal feminist theory - Essay Example It follows, therefore, that the key issue identified and addressed by feminists can be viewed broadly as the bill of rights for women. This paper is in support of legal feminist theory and will offer reasons for the choice. The women’s suffrage may have had voting rights as its driving ambition, but in the contemporary world women need more liberties, albeit simply by virtue of being female. The feminist viewpoint of law identifies how patriarchy invasively influences legal structures, demonstrating how the material condition of women is adversely affected. For example, the landmark ruling in Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113, 93 S. Ct. 705, 35 L. Ed. 2d 147 (1973), showed that women reserve the right of abortion as a basic constitutional right (Levit & Verchick 89). Essentially, the ruling supported that reproductive rights should be borne by women, even though with certain limitations. This is in direct support of legal feminist theory because it promotes interdisciplinary examinations into how practices, policies and expectations relating to gender are influenced by the interaction of culture and law. It operates from the liberal legal prototype and focuses on an approach to law based on rights to en sure that women also enjoy genuine equality (Sunder 93). Legal feminist theory develops reforms designed to correct gender restriction, exploitation and injustice (Sunder 104). Therefore, through the perspective of feminist epistemology, political theory and relational metaphysics, legal feminist theory applies insights into feminist philosophy which help in understanding and changing the way overriding masculinist standards are enforced by legal institutions (Threedy 745). For instance, one would easily answer in the negative when asked whether judges can and should be allowed to be feminists, simply because judges are expected to do their job and not be activists who promote personal political agendas. However, judges
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Hepatitis B virus and liver cancer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Hepatitis B virus and liver cancer - Essay Example Analysis of the geographic prevalence of liver cancer and HBV show that there are similarities and it is this link that has proved to be the first step in the understanding of etiological relationship of HBV with liver cancer. (4). Liver cancer is spread throughout the world. However, there are variances in the presence of the disease in different regions of the world. Looking at the world from the perspective of the developed and developing divide, the incidence of liver cancer is more in the developing world, rather than in the developed world. However, there is a trend of reducing prevalence of liver cancer in the developing world, while there is a rising prevalence of liver cancer in the developed world. The more effective HBV preventive programs coupled better food and nutrition in the developing world are believed to be the reasons for the lower growth rates of liver cancer in the developing world, while migration of people from the developing world to the developed world coupled with rising incidence of hepatitis C virus (HCV) in the developed believed are assumed as the causes for the increased growth rates of liver cancer in the developed world. (5). Incidence statistics of liver cancer for the period 1993-1997, provided by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), show that continent of Asia, Africa and the Pacific Islands have the highest incidence of liver cancer. For example in Qidong County, China the crude rate for liver cancer is 107.4 and in Nagasaki City of Japan the crude rate for liver cancer is 67.1. (6). Europe lower rates of incidence are found in almost all the regions as can be seen from the LC AAIRs of 4.7 to 8.9 among men in Southern, Eastern and Western Europe. It is even lower in Northern Europe, which has an LC AAIRs of 2.7 to 3.2 (7). In the United States of America there is a geographical variance in the incidence of liver cancer in the white populations with the northern
Friday, October 4, 2019
DOES CONDUCTIING ACADEMIC RESEARCH DIFFER FROM GENERAL RESEARCH HOW PROVIDE AN EXAMPLE - Essay Example It uses established scientific fundamentals, which are organized and articulated with scientific research methods to generate new set of truth or information. Results of academic research are published in journals, magazines books and other learning media (National Institute of Public Administration 63-66). On the other hand, general research refers to research that aims to establish facts not necessarily scientific. Although establishment of underlying facts through literature review is essential for general research, it is not as robust as in academic research. For instance, a research aimed investigating the impact of new communication strategies to information utilization in a given organizational set up qualifies as a general research. However, a clinical research aimed at determining the best quantity of drug to administer for a given treatment qualifies as academic research. Although the two types of research may not be clearly distinct, academic research is more scientific based and mostly demands use of scientific research methodologies. General research is less scientific
Thursday, October 3, 2019
The various market entry strategies Essay Example for Free
The various market entry strategies Essay Research Objectives: This research is undertaken to identify, analyze and evaluate the various market entry strategies in global markets. Specifically, the research will examine exporting, franchising, acquisition, merger, wholly owned subsidiaries and joint ventures. Furthermore, the research will also analyze entry strategies implemented by a number of multinational corporations operating in different industries. Finally, the research will conclude with the factors that need to be examined and investigated before entering a global market. General Introduction: Multinational firms deciding how to enter or operate in a global market must carefully and precisely take into consideration many critical factors including the local business environment in addition to the firm’s own core competencies. An entry mode is defined by Wild Wild (2012) as â€Å"the institutional arrangement by which a firm gets its products, technologies, human skills, or other resources into a market.†(Wild Wild, 2012, p.358) Wheleen Hunger (2010) stated that research had indicated that growing globally is linked with the organization’s profitability. This means that firm’s who are looking for ways to increase their long-term profitability, are now looking for profitable and appropriate markets to offer their products and or services. A firm can select from a number of strategic options the most appropriate method for entering a global market or establishing production plans in another nation. Zekiri Angelova (2011) argued that Firms that want to internationalize must decide on a fitting mode of entry into a foreign market in order to make the best use of their resources. â€Å"The age of globalization has both facilitated and necessitated businesses to move towards the internationalization of organizations of all sizes.†(Wood and Robertson, as cited in Zekiri Angelova, 2011, p.573). There are many different modes of entering into foreign markets. Each mode has its strengths and weaknesses in general terms. However, Zekiri (2011) explained that each single multinational firm would be more attracted to a type mode depending on their backgrounds, nature of the company, strategic objectives as well as the resources. In many cases, there are many obstacles that companies have to meet while deciding to enter other markets, for example; safety, environmental, packaging, labeling, patents, trademarks and copyrights, are factors that businesses depend on being successful. Moreover, It should be stated that the local business environment in terms of political, technological, legal, environmental, and cultural factors should be deeply studied to assess the attractiveness of the target market. This argument is also supported by Zekiri Angelova (2011) as he stated â€Å"it is difficult to understand the business environment in a country without studying the current politic al system and institutions, government policies, and a variety of data and other information on the country’s economy.†(Zekiri, 2011, p.573) Kotler Armstrong (2008) as well as Chung Enderwich (2001) explained that some of the benefits associated with operating on international basis are the increased profits and sales growth, the chances of achieving both economies of scale and location economies. Zekiri Angelova (2011) also added that many firms are operating on international basis for better opportunities and profit potential in emerging markets such as (India, China, Brazil and Russia) As globalization now is fostering international operations as nations are being more open to trade and foreign investment opportunities. Global Market Entry Strategies: Advantages and Disadvantages Exporting: According to many researchers including Wheleen Hunger (2010), Kotler Armstrong (2009), and Chung Enderwich (2011) exporting is one of the most basic and simplest entry strategies as it minimizes the risk and experiment with a specific product. Shaver (2009) defined exporting as â€Å"the production of goods at home that are sold in foreign markets.†(Shaver, 2009, p.1047) in other words, products are shipped from the home country to other countries for marketing. Wheleen Hunger (2010) stated that the company could either choose to handle all critical functions itself or could contract these functions to export management companies. The main benefits of exporting are its simplicity and low cost of investment and risk. Consequently, exporting could be seen as the first entry method used by organizations in order to obtain knowledge of the foreign market. Other advantages of exporting are increased utilization of the domestic plant, thus using idle capacity and reducing unit costs through economies of scale. Exporting also helps in diversifying markets, which reduces the company’s exposure to domestic demand instability. On the other hand, the disadvantages of exporting include high transportation fees trade barriers, tariffs, quotas, and problems with local agents. In addition, exporters have lower control of distribution and local agents. Moreover, Shaver (2009) noted that companies engaging in exporting could face the potential risk of exchange rate fluctuations, and could be subject to custom duties and taxes in the importing counties. Zekiri Angelova (2011) although exporting costs are relatively low compared with the other entry methods, to enter and develop these markets exporters usually incur costs to gain exposure, set up sales and distribution networks, and attract customers. Furthermore, cultural barriers could forces companies to modify or redesign their products including labeling and packaging for the purpose of meeting consumers’ preferences/tastes and local requirements. From on own point of view, which was not discussed by any of the previous authors and researchers, is that exporting is hindering a firm’s ability to quickly respond to the changing needs of target consumers. Franchising: Franchising is one of the global entry modes that has been widely used as a quick method of global expansion, most notably by multinational fast food and retail chains such as (KFC, McDonalds, Starbucks). According to Wheleen Hunger (2010), under a franchising agreement, the franchiser offers rights to another party to open a retail store using the franchiser’s name and operating system. In other words, by the payment of a royalty fee, the franchisee will obtain the major business know-how via an agreement with the franchiser. Franchising is most commonly used in a number of American service industries, such as McDonald’s, KFC, and Starbucks etc. from an own point of view, franchisers are constantly demonstrating their ability to adapt and modify their product offering to suit local tastes and preferences. This is especially true in McDonald’s, which offers different menus in different nations. McDonald’s brand is still internationally consistent, but service staff and menu choices can be modified to local needs. According to Roland Berger Tata strategic management group (2009) McDonald’s in India was able to create localized products where it did not serve hamburger meals as some religions in India prohibits the consuming meat. Instead McDonald’s served vegetarian and chicken meals that gained the favorability of most Indian consumers. Holmes (2003) stated a major disadvantage associated with entering global markets via franchisee agreements. Firstly, he stated that franchisers might find it difficult to manage a large number of franchisees in a variety of national markets. The major issue in franchisee agreements is that product and service quality in addition to promotional messages among franchisees will not be consistent or similar from one market to another. Another major disadvantage discussed by Wild Wild (2012) is franchisees can experience a loss of organizational flexibility in franchising agreements. â€Å"Franchise contracts can restrict their strategic and tactical options and they may even be forced to promote products by the franchiser’s other division. Dahlstrom, Duncan, Ramsay, Amburgey (2004) explained that when PepsiCo used to own the global fast-food chains Pizza Hut and KFC, it used to force franchisees to sell its beverages to their consumers which gained the criticism of many franch isees worldwide. Acquisitions: As Wheleen Hunger (2010) explained a fast way used by heavy multinational corporations in different industries to operate into a desired and profitable global market is through â€Å"purchasing another company already operating in that area.†One of the benefits that he clearly discussed is the synergistic benefits could be acquired if the firm acquires another company having strong complementary product lines and a good distribution network. Lahovnik (2011) argued that acquisitions have been the most popular growth strategy for decades in the US economy. He explained that the 1990s and 2000s also featured a markedly increased volume of European mergers and acquisitions. Economic growth, deregulation and the development of the common European economy accelerated the acquisition process in EU countries. He also noted that the number of acquisitions has also risen in economies in transition. Horizontal acquisitions are the most popular and most frequently pursued acquisition type. From the strategic perspective, the key questions are whether and how an acquirer will restructure the company, and how this will contribute to the acquired company’s competitive advantage. For instance, According to UPI (2012) Boeing is continuing to advance its defense logistics support portfolio with the acquisition of California Company Miro Technologies, a Boeing supplier. UPI (2012) further explains that Miro was a privately held software company specializing in enterprise asset and supply chain management; maintenance, repair and overhaul services; and performance-based logistics management. It will become part of Boeings Global Services and Support business within Boeing Defense, Space and Security. Boeings services and logistics business has grown significantly in recent years and Miro has been a trusted technology partner during that time. (Parasida, as cited in UPI, 2012) Specifically, the acquisition expands GSS product offerings for linking and fusing data from existing systems to improve mission readiness and to reduce sustainment costs. Some of the major advantages that acquisitions provide to multi-national firms are the following. First, Riley (2012) stated that firms could have quick access to resources both physical and human as well as potential skills and competencies. Secondly, economies of scale could be achieved which helps spread the risk through wider range of products and greater geographical spread. However, from an own point of view, the main drawback of acquiring other companies from a different nation is the clash of cultures. From instance, when Wal-Mart decided to enter the European market through Germany it acquired two `German retailers however, the two acquired companies had a totally different corporate culture which prohibited Wal-Mart from integrating its corporate culture into the newly acquired companies. Therefore, from an own point of Wal-Mart’s entry in the German market through acquisition could have been more successful if Wal-Mart carefully studied the various German retailers and appropriately chose a profitable German retailer that is characterized with a culture that is not highly differentiated from Wal-Mart’s corporate culture and can be integrated easily into Wal-Mart’s. Also the acquired companies should have given Wal-Mart a unique opportunity to effectively compete with the aggressive competition in the Retailing industry and offer a unique and innovative value proposition that is not offered by others. Mergers: According to Investopedia (2010) In the pure sense of the term, a merger happens when two firms, often of about the same size, agree to go forward as a single new company rather than remain separately owned and operated. This kind of action is more precisely referred to as a merger of equals. Both companies stocks are surrendered and new company stock is issued in its place. For example, both Daimler-Benz and Chrysler ceased to exist when the two firms merged, and a new company, DaimlerChrysler, was created. Schamotter (2012) stated that the mergers could benefit both companies in various ways. Firstly, A merged company can reduce many of its expenses. Budgets for things like marketing might be shared, while the new, larger company enjoys greater purchasing power, which lowers the costs of raw materials and other necessities. More often than not, a merger results in staff layoffs as positions become redundant in the new single entity. Merged companies can also share office space and eliminate duplicate manufacturing facilities. Secondly, Schamattor (2012) explains that by merging, the new company is theoretically provided with access to more customers. This is true if the individual companies had been demonstrably successful in separate markets, as opposed to roughly equally competing in the same one. For example, according to the BBC, the merger of the German automaker Daimler Benz with the American automaker Chrysler Corp. allowed the new company, Daimler Benz, to access markets in both Europe and North America. Merged companies can offer a greater range of products and services. Because these may be complimentary, the merged company may be able to capture more consumers than they would as individual entities. Moreover, the research firmly believes that merged companies can access a diversified set of intellectual capital through different human skills and competencies that could be used as a platform from conti nuous innovation and new product development. On the contrary, mergers could harm both companies if a clash of culture does exist. Just like acquisitions, a firm merging with another firm from a different culture could lead to decline in the firm’s performance, unsatisfied employees, and more importantly loss of shareholder’s value and decline in the market performance. These arguments are supported by both Wild Wild (2012) and Chung Enderwich (2011) as they both argued that lack of cross-cultural competence is the barrier to an effective and long-term mergers. Joint Ventures: In some situations or circumstances, many multinational firms prefer to share ownership of an operation rather than complete ownership. Joint ventures differs from mergers in the sense that in joint ventures â€Å"a separate company is created and jointly owned by two or more independent entities to achieve a common business goal. The partners could be private firms, government agencies, or public companies (companies owned by the government). For example, BP was forced according to the law in Egypt to form a joint venture with the Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation (EGPC) has made our joint venture, GUPCO, an industry leader and one of the largest oil and gas operations in the entire region. Moreover, BP Egypt has another joint venture with United Gas Derivatives Company (UGDC), owns and operates the largest natural gas liquids (NGL) plant in Egypt. Wild Wild (2012) discussed some of the advantages of joint ventures. First, they argued that companies do rely on joint ventures to reduce risk. In other words, a company can use a joint venture to learn about the local business environment before operating solely. Secondly, they argued that companies can use joint ventures to penetrate international markets that are other wise off limits. Some governments do design and implement laws that force foreign companies to share ownership with domestic firms. Finally, â€Å"a company can gain access to another company’s international distribution networks through the use of joint ventures.†(Worley Worley, 2012, p.374) Among the disadvantages of joint ventures, conflict of ownership might arise between the two parties. Also Worley Worley (2012) added that conflict can also arise from disagreements over how future investments and profits are to be shared. Secondly, they are stated that loss of control over a joint venture’s operations can also result when the local government is a partner in the venture. Where governments could decide to nationalize the company and takes full ownership of the venture. Conclusion: To conclude, the choice of the entry mode has many important strategic implications for a firm’s long-term operations. Firms do spend a large sum of money and devote much of their time in determining the most efficient and effective way to enter the desired global market. From an own point of view, which is also supported by the work of Worley Worley (2012), Zekiri Angelova (2011) and Kotler Armstrong (2008) one of the critical activities that needs to be conducted before the entry choice is to analyze and evaluate both the opportunities and threats present in the local business environment of the host country. The culture, which is the set of values, beliefs and norms greatly differ from one country to another and could negatively or positively influence the firm’s performance. Wal-Mart’s failure in Germany was the result of the lack of intercultural competence. The political and legal environment could serve as an opportunity or threat for a specific firm. For example, political instability in a target market increases the risk of investment. Certain import regulations such as high tariffs, or low quota limits can discourage a firm to export its products to this country. Also local content requirements by governments could force multinational corporations to use local resources which might not be meeting the quality standards. Bibliography: 1- Wild, J Wild, K. (2012). â€Å"International business: the challenges of globalization.†(6th ed.). London: Pearson Education 2- Wheleen, T. Hunger, D. (2010). â€Å"Strategic management and business policy†. (12th ed.). New Jersey: Pearson Education 3- Kotler, P. Armstrong, G. (2008). â€Å"Principles of marketing.†(12th ed.). New Jersey: Peasron Education 4- Shaver, J. (2011). The benefits of geographic sales diversification: how exporting facilitates capital investment. Strategic Management Journal, 1046-1060. Retrieved from Ebscohost research database. 5- Zekiri, J. Angelova, B. (2011). Factors that influence entry mode choice in foreign markets. European Journal of Social Science, 4(22), 572-584. Retrieved from Ebscohost research database. 6- Roland Berger Tata Strategic Management Group. (2009). India: opportunities challenges. Retrieved from 2Fmedia%2Fpdf%2FRoland_Berger_India_Opportunities_20090706.pdfei=dj2-ULGmGczFswbcuIG4Dgusg=AFQjCNEwgEyYvYOggC_So6o_Mfx5S_CooQsig2=yoLcEuhmRXeawISVMaXBEg 7- Lahovnik, M. (2011). Strategic fit between business strategies in the post-acquisition period and acquisition performance. Retrieved from 8- Dahlstrom, R. Ramsay, R. Duncan, J. Amburgey, T. (2004). Cases in strategic-systems auditing. Retrieved from
Battleship Potemkin By Sergei Eisenstein Film Studies Essay
Battleship Potemkin By Sergei Eisenstein Film Studies Essay Battleship Potemkin (1925) is a typical illustration of a film that led to become a sign for revolution. One can argue how this particular work attempted to form a new cinema, and through critically looking at the films theme/ideology, narrative structure, filmmaking techniques and editing (montage), with paying close attention to the Communist ideology, Imagism, Marxism, Futurism, the Hegelian theory, and Mexican influence one can justify that Eisenstein founded the start to this new cinema. Imagine a cinema which is not dominated by the dollar; a cinema industry where ones man pocket is not filled at other peoples expense; which is not for the pockets of two or three people, but for the heads and hearts of 150 million peopleà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Suddenly a new cinema arises. (Sergei Eisenstein, 1926) It was without a doubt a moment for specifically Sergei Eisenstein creating a benchmark in cinema history, a means of promotion to become a Bolshevik (a communist) and of course; a new overall experience that began for cinema screening audiences in the 1920s that was not dominated by the dollar but reached into the hearts of the audience. The recent Bolshevik state saw film as a vital tool in the revolutionary struggle, and immediately set about reconstructing the film industry. (Annette Kuhn, 1991: 3) Thus, in reconstructing the film industry, a new cinema was formed. The society looked back on the 1905 Russian Revolution ushering an era of much change in not only the society structure but in the arts field. It was what anyone could understand it as a chance to shed some new light, to bring something new to the shelves, to be creative, to rebel on the past and most of all to become new. This was inevitably a chance for Eisenstein, with all his influence from past Directors and with the success of Eisensteins Strike (1925), to become an historical figure and role model to future films and directors. Battleship Potemkin was inevitably created in order to celebrate the abortive Revolution (Annette Kuhn, 1991: 3) Eisenstein then, with which we clearly see in this film, fed off the Potemkin rebellion as the central metaphor for the Revolution. The propaganda is seen to be Marxist propaganda for it merely being a socio-political view that surrounds a political ideology (Avineri, 1968: 6) of the Russian revolution. We can also see the films techniques through Imagism; Images used to create a new image (Avineri, 1968: 8) and finally Cubism; Putting together several perspectives into one frame which creates one overall message. (Avineri, 1968: 14) New cinema can also be seen through how Russian film-makers found themselves in an industry almost completely devoid of native traditions. (Karel Reisz, 1954: 6) Thus, these film makers had a) nothing that they had to follow, stick to and carry on with and b) had a big opportunity to incorporate a new cinema. One could only imagine that there directors thus became propagandists and teachers to the society and had a task to use film medium as a means of instructing the masses in the Russian Revolution and to train a young generation of film-makers to fulfill a task (Karel Reisz, 1954: 7) Thus, this opened doors for filmmakers such as Eisenstein to set about finding new ways to express ideas in order to communicate the Russian Revolution, and secondly, to develop a theory of filmmaking that could be seen as a benchmark in cinema history. Instead of only taking a look into the historical background of this film (the Revolution) one can also see the influence that Eisensetiens background had on the coming together of this film, and the new cinema aspects and techniques. Eisenstein went to Mexico where he went to help his friend film the country. The whole country was montage-editing theoretically speaking; the way we see birth to death is all but a continuous cycle. (Marilyn Fabe, 2004: 48) Inevitably this could be apparent anywhere in the world, but we can see a link with the goddesses and catholic saints that clearly relates to Mexico. Thus, one can argue that this is a metaphor for Mexico seen to Eisenstein as well as an influence. Typage is a term used to describe that characters in this film were chosen based on their type, rather than their star reputation. Not only does this conflict with Classic Hollywoods star structure, but it fed off on to Italian Neorealism, as one can see in Bicycle Thieves. (1948) Typage is purely to enhance realism and make the audience feel like they can relate as such characters are common, every day, people. This technique also influences the emotional response (stimuli) and engagement from the audience, who are ideally the critiques of all means of art. The effect that Typage has on this film, is that it not only takes power and sentiment away from the political statement as much as possible but correlates the message more to the action, rather than to the individual actor matter and power. It is clear that if one takes new cinema into perspective, and correlates it with new-found means of filmmaking montage editing was evidentially the new foundation of film art. There is no art without conflict, Sergei Eisenstein (1926) once wrote and thus we see that he merely created conflict by the juxtaposition of shots, which created an underlying symbolic meaning that can be seen through realism, compressing of time and audience engagement and is inevitably more important than the mise-en-scene. Thus becoming new to the screens as mise-en-scene can be argued as the most important aspect to past film directors. For someone who doesnt understand montage, it is simply briefly understood as the cutting of shots and then bringing them back together. We can see that through all the cutting and putting back of shots, it produces one overall idea which ties in with the story line. Lev Kuleshov (1970) explains this best when he correlates images of his facial expressions cut to a woman playing with a baby, and then the same facial expression cut to a woman in her bikini. It immediately changes the idea behind the shot. The relationship of shots can either be seen as similar, or contrary, can be seen as opposite. This is where conflict comes into play and forms a message. For example, when two men enter from either sides of the screen with guns or swords in hand, the juxtaposition creates significance by signifying conflict between the two men, but also signifies that they will unite. Montage also enhances movement. Early films that would go on for hours on end would drag out the movement to tell a story. However, the jump-cutting still creates a known-movement without the characters actually following through the whole entire movement. Ideally the editing takes place in the removal of the body, and the audience is shown the introduction and conclusion of the movement. Thus, we can gather what the body entailed for it to have gotten to the conclusion. Reference to this can be seen in Odessa Steps scene analysis to follow. When looking back at the earliest films, some of them hours and hours long, we can understand when watching this film that not only did editing enhance the viewing experience of the audience, but it cut down shots that need not be shown. Thus, resulting in a film only 80 minutes long with over 1000 shots, compared to the regular 90minute film with half the amount of shots. (Marilyn Fabe, 2004: 48) However, it was not only about enhancing the viewing experience, but was also about a tool for education and propaganda, thus creating a powerful narrative structure. With reference back to the Juxtaposition conflict between shots was not only about using shots up against each other that were so different, yet flowed, but an underlying meaning also added to this new cinema. As what I can begin to understand it as a conflict of innocence vs. violence; as one can see when the young child is trampled by the laborers and when the mother brings attention to the soldiers. Throughout this film, innocence and violence become so apparent and inevitably enhances the political and social statement of the Russian Revolution. This movement feeds off into repetition, rhythm, and content. When shots are repeated often it can either bring a story together or it can take a story back to that time (as we see in many films today that jump cut to the future, or likewise to the past) and it can enhance fear or contrary, bring a calm atmosphere to the audience. The rhythm aspect of montage is ideally a series of shots that create the rhythm and movement motion, which can be used to add suspense or to compress time. Juxtaposition of shots with intended detail added; inevitably creates the content as we can see in Lev Kuleshovs (date) example above. This feeds off to the metaphor of the film, which in this case is the Russian Revolution. Battleship Potemkin is centered around five sub-themes. These can be seen through Men and Maggots; Drama on the Quarterdeck; An Appeal from the Dead; The Odessa Steps; Meeting the Squadron. ( 26/04/2011) The above sub-themes can be seen to in many wayscorrespond with the historical reminiscence of the Russian Revolution event in order to execute the revolution metaphor. This is seen as the plot outline. In men and Maggots, this scene cleverly shows the political and social condition which enhances the realism in this film and introduces the environment of which the story will be told. We are shown the uniforms, the battleship and the cleaning of the ship with boiling soup this can be seen as a metaphor for how they are slowly but surely arriving at boiling point. Here we are also shown The Hegelian theory. The Hegelian theory is a theory that plays a huge role in Battleship Potemkin. It inevitably means that this film holds a utilitarian purpose as well as an artistic purpose. ( 26/04/2011) Thus, meaning that this is propaganda along side art. This is used by Eisenstein mainly to affect the viewers, and actually create meaning and effect in their own personal subjective social and political views. Eisenstein used a psyhco-psychical approach which ideally re-moulds the reflexes of humans and gives them a new perspective on the revolution, leading them in a preferred direction ( 26/04/2011)and can personally be seen as manipulative way. Inevitabely, one can then see through this film, that he enhances a physiological consciousness as his film illustrates happenings and actions instead of just portraying emotions. -Which refers back to Typage. This is effectively portrayed in the Odessa Steps sequence which will be analyzed below. However, in Men With Maggots, we are shown the contrast of faces of offices in conflict with the crew. As what follows from the effect of this theory is the two contrasting forces interim to create a third meaning, thus a third force. This goes back to the example of the two men entering either sides of the frame, and of course, the Lev Kuleshov theory. As we can see in Drama on the Quarterdeck, a subjective-camera is used to add sentiment, and create more realism. We can thus, fully feel and understand the emotion behind the bodies hanging the terror and disgust. In this scene, I also find the cross-cut very interesting in meaning as it shows a connection and linkage between the place of prayer and the rulers. This can illustrates power, or likewise, Eisenstein is portraying a meaning behind belief of the rulers. In the next scene, Appeal from the Dead the one thing that stuck out was the close-up. The close-up of the fist which becomes bigger as the camera sweeps in on it, and as we are shown a fist that slowly clenches as the masses finally make a decision to revolt. It brings about power in the frame and emotion. Close-ups used in this film suck sentiment out to the audience, and are cleverly used on rare occasion to enhance the effect even more. The Odessa Steps is probably the most iconic scene in this film, and effectively portrays such editing to an audience who have never experienced such before. This scene uses montage to build tension; singular moments of fear and terror that finally provoke a violent emotional response from the audience. In this scene one can also clearly see how typage comes into play, and how it enhances the motional response as this scene portrays the force of the action rather than the individual roles of the men and woman. Here we are also shown the laborers scrambling down the steps from a high angled shots not only showering the meaning behind power, but shows the action on a whole and not from one main characters perspective, as we would see in Classic Hollywood. Here we are also shown conflict forces with the disordered rush of masses coming down the steps in relation to the soldiers. If we look at the Odessa Steps in far more detail, we can start to understand how this scene was the turning point in not only Eisensteins career, in history, but also in the film. We are shown close-ups of the laborers facial expressions in relation and in conflict to long shots of the scene as a whole the action of what is actually happening. The rhythm is also increased tremendously, which increases the intensity and emotions of the scene. Lastly, a turnaround of downward movement cleverly portrays the crowds movement in conflict, to the emotions of the woman crying with the baby. And finally, in the last act; Meeting the Squadron we are illustrated by suspense. The shots are slow in rhythm, however, there is a sense of strong unity. In conclusion, one can justifiably argue that Battleship Potemkin attempted to form a new cinema through Eisenstein using the Russian Revolution as a metaphorical benchmark for fresh, innovative ideas that were seen through mainly montage editing, as well as propaganda. As Eisenstein (date) said, We tried to take the historical events just as they were and not to interfere in any shape, manner or form, with the process as it was actually taking place to still bring reality to the screens to portray a real event.
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